Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

Tag: Walter Herz

Data centers have exceptional prospects in Poland

The potential of data centers in Poland is growing. Do we have a chance to catch up with the European leaders? Investments in this...

Warehouses and retail still bring profits

The investment transaction market in Poland is awaiting revival. It is dominated by smaller acquisitions carried out by regional investors. Larger transactions initiated by...

The economic situation favors hotels, but investment remains limited

The value of investment transactions in all real estate market sectors, both in Poland and Europe, still significantly deviates from the scale of investments...

Smaller Shopping Centers Fill the Gap in Poland’s Retail Landscape

The pandemic, conflict in Ukraine as well as inflation and high interest rates that recent years have brought have reshaped the real estate market...

Polish Office Market: Construction Slowdown Meets High Demand, Forcing Market Reassessment

Demand for office space continues to remain high, but construction is at its lowest in years. The office real estate market is undergoing significant...

Warsaw Office Market: High Demand Meets Limited Supply

In 2023, the demand for office space in Warsaw was only slightly lower than the record set in 2022, according to an analysis by...

Strong end of the year on the Warsaw office market

In 2023, the demand for offices in Warsaw turned out to be slightly lower than the record-breaking demand of 2022. Approximately 750 thousand sq...

Investment land market – prices are rising, and demand for attractive plots is huge

In the investment land market, substantial changes have been taking place recently. The expectations of landowners are still exorbitant, but now buyers are willing...

Forecasts for the Polish Commercial Real Estate Market

In 2023, the Polish investment market, like foreign markets, experienced a low level of investor activity. The value of investment volumes in all real...
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