The past decade in the Chinese economy has been marked by rapid growth, primarily driven by infrastructure investments, a property market boom, and easy...
After a period of rapid inflation fueled by the pandemic's effects, global monetary policy is entering a phase of gradual adjustment. While the prices...
France is grappling with a severe economic and political crisis, which came to light after Moody’s downgraded the country’s credit rating from Aa2 to...
The European Central Bank (ECB) is currently facing a challenging task of adjusting its monetary policy to the weakening economic conditions in the eurozone...
Last week, the Polish Monetary Policy Council (RPP) once again decided not to change interest rates. At a press conference on Thursday, Adam Glapiński...
The collapse of Michel Barnier's government, who held the office of Prime Minister since September 2023, triggered a serious political and economic crisis. Barnier...