Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

Tag: social media

The Growing Role of Generative AI in Business and Banking

The role of generative AI in business is growing: 43% of enterprises worldwide, including those in Poland, are already investing in this technology, with...

Will marketplace platforms dominate European e-commerce logistics?

Marketplace platforms are already the most popular shopping model in Europe, and their role continues to grow. This is especially true for entities from...

The rich are getting richer. Global wealth increased by USD 3.8 trillion

The number of High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWI) and their wealth reached record levels in 2023, according to the latest Capgemini World Wealth Report 2023. Global...

Social Media Profiles: A Treasure Trove for Criminals, Warn Cybersecurity Experts

Social media profiles are a goldmine of information for criminals, cybersecurity experts warn, outlining potential risks. Public vacation posts and location tags, showcasing home...

Companies in Poland Lagging in ESG Reporting – Only 19% Ready for New EU Requirements

48% of surveyed companies declare that they have previously published ESG reports. However, only 19% are technologically prepared to meet the challenge of sustainable...

May Frenzy: Investors Flock to Social Media Stocks Amidst New Wave of Speculation

The May frenzy in the stock market surrounding social media-related companies has sparked investor interest, as they join the wave of speculation seeking large...

Assassination Attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico: Suspect Identified

71-year-old Juraj C. from the city of Levice is allegedly behind the assassination attempt on the life of Prime Minister Robert Fico, according to...

Every third Pole thinks about changing jobs every day

As suggested by the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS), unemployment in Poland in 2023 amounted to 5.1 percent. Does this equate...

Understanding Our Kids Online: An Empathetic Approach

We live in a world that is neither entirely virtual nor entirely real. It is a dynamically changing hybrid, in which digital space becomes...

Polish Businesses Fall Behind in Digitalization

Poland's business digitalisation results are below the EU average, indicating a significant amount of progress needed to achieve the targets of the EU policy...

Easter Shopping in Poland 2024: Balancing Price, Quality, and Tradition

According to the latest report from the BLIX Group, 81.2% of consumers responsible for household shopping will purchase groceries for the holidays at discount...

Generative artificial intelligence and industrial metaverse among the most important technological trends this year

The latest technological trends show companies that in the era of generative tools, maintaining an integrated business strategy, strong technological foundations, and a creative...

Will WallStreetBets spoil Reddit’s plans?

Reddit has big plans, but users want to sabotage it. Will WallStreetBets show its strength again? After almost two years of stagnation in the American...

Poles Wary of Foreign Online Shops Despite Potential Benefits, UCE RESEARCH Study Finds

According to the latest survey, a total of 33.2% of regular online consumers make purchases from foreign e-shops. However, only 10.2% of them constantly...
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