Today's work environments are evolving faster than ever before. Both Generation Y (Millennials) and Generation Z are introducing new standards regarding expectations towards organizations...
A staggering 78.3% of gainfully employed Poles indicate they are experiencing at least one of fourteen surveyed symptoms of professional burnout. 15.6% deny it,...
Every day, 49% of employees worldwide experience work-related stress, and 59% of professionals claim they haven't partaken in any vocational training in recent times....
Enterprise Risk Management Processes Remain Undervalued by Global Boards and Executives Amid Heightening Risk Environment Report from AICPA & CIMA and NC State University...
The presidential campaign in the United States, abundant in historic events, is coming to an end. Symbolically, the elections will be settled on Tuesday,...
The Russian military intelligence service operates in a mode of conducting military operations. This involves a broad range of operations, such as the collection...
From this year's edition of the State Economic Credibility Index (IWEP), it appears that Poland is increasingly falling short, especially in the fields of...
Manipulation and social engineering techniques with the use of artificial intelligence are the most popular methods of data fraud in 2024. Individuals who become...