Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

Tag: IDC

Telecom operators spend billions on infrastructure. Formalities continue to be investment barrier

Telecommunications operators' spending on infrastructure development is increasing every year, and according to estimates by the analytical firm PMR, it reached nearly 12 billion...

AI Revolution: From Buzzword to Business Reality – Here’s How It’s Happening Now

It's confirmed. Global spending on digital technologies by the end of this year will surpass the pace of economic growth by sevenfold. Specifically, within...

Business will fully utilize technological capabilities – including AI, when it 100% commits to cloud computing

The fascination with artificial intelligence continues at its peak. This technology offers numerous opportunities for companies, but it also presents certain challenges. These include...

AI leads to higher energy consumption and new infrastructure needs

The development of artificial intelligence and its ever-increasing use are driving the generation and processing of data. Artificial intelligence solutions allow for the optimization...

AI will revolutionize e-commerce. Spending on VR and AR in Europe will grow by approximately 22% annually

In November and December of last year, over 17 percent of all Christmas orders were influenced by artificial intelligence, translating to $199 billion –...

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