Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

Tag: Gartner

AI Revolutionizes App Development: 70% Built with No-Code by 2025

By 2025, 70 percent of new applications created by businesses will be developed using low-code or no-code methodologies, according to Gartner data. The trending...

IT Market Outlook 2024: Clouds Rising, Software Soaring, and AI Reigning Supreme

The previous year witnessed a global triumph of AI, an increased demand for computational power, cloud, and software, but also drops in many areas...

AI will revolutionize e-commerce. Spending on VR and AR in Europe will grow by approximately 22% annually

In November and December of last year, over 17 percent of all Christmas orders were influenced by artificial intelligence, translating to $199 billion –...

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