Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...

Tag: Deloitte

Climate Change Concerns and AI Development Shape the Lives of Young Poles

Concerns related to climate change significantly influence the lifestyle and work habits of young people. Half of Poles from Generation Z and one-third of...

Organizations with High Expertise in Generative AI Report Significant Benefits in Product Development and Innovation

Organizations with a high level of knowledge in generative artificial intelligence are more likely than others to report significant benefits in product and service...

Young Poles Optimistic About Economy, But Financial Worries Linger

One in three Polish "Gen Z" individuals and one in four millennials expect an improvement in Poland's economic situation within the next year. The...

Poles Continue to Worry About Their Financial Situation

Over half of respondents are not prepared for an unexpected expense, but fewer people are complaining about a lack of money at the end...

Young Poles: Between Optimism and Concerns About Financial Stability

Although optimism about personal financial situations and economic prospects is the highest among "Gen Z" and millennials since 2020, the cost of living remains...

Poland is in a phase of economic expansion, while Germany is facing a recession

In 2024, only a moderate pace of economic growth is predicted for Central Europe. In Poland, GDP growth is expected to be 2.8%. At...

20 Years in the EU: Polish Jobs Boom Thanks to Single Market, Exports Drive Growth

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Poland's accession to the European Union. One of the benefits of membership has been the opening of...

Retail Industry Stays Optimistic Despite Challenges, Eyes AI for Growth

Although inflation and high operating costs continue to pose significant challenges for retail companies, the industry appears optimistic about the near future. According to...

MCI Acquires 65% Stake in Profitroom, Valuing the Firm at 290 Million PLN

MCI Acquires 65% of Profitroom Shares at a Company Valuation of PLN 290 Million. Profitroom: Leading Regional Provider of Online Booking Systems for Hotels...

Generative artificial intelligence and industrial metaverse among the most important technological trends this year

The latest technological trends show companies that in the era of generative tools, maintaining an integrated business strategy, strong technological foundations, and a creative...

Countdown to Compliance: CO2 Emissions and ESG Regulations in 2024

Companies have less and less time to take action related to climate change and 2024 will be a crucial year for implementing ESG-related regulations....

From Fossil Fuels to Future Energy: Deloitte’s Outlook on the Evolving Oil and Gas Landscape

The fuel industry entered 2024 in a strong financial position. For the first time in history, global demand for crude oil exceeded 100 million...

New AI Act needs implementation plan – Polish presidency could lead

On Wednesday, March 13, the European Parliament approved the AI Act, the first regulation of its kind encompassing a broad area of artificial intelligence....

Joanna Swierzynska Appointed Deloitte Managing Partner for Poland, Baltics, and Ukraine

Joanna Swierzynska has been appointed the new Managing Partner of Deloitte in Poland, the Baltic countries, and Ukraine. In this role, she will replace...

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