Deloitte: Poland enters the phase of economic expansion

The divergence of economic moods in Poland...

Two Years On: War in Ukraine and Its Global Impact

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian...


AI Revolution: Poland Stands to Gain $90 Billion Annually

EY's analysis indicates that the rapid spread of artificial intelligence will lead to increased economic activity over the next three to five years. Capital...

Closer to the Emergence of Conscious Artificial Intelligence: Preventive Measures Needed to Avoid Misuse

Artificial intelligence is increasingly discussed in the context of the opportunities and threats posed by the emergence of global artificial intelligence. This model would...

The Future of AI in Poland – Results of the Pre-consultations on the Implementation of the Artificial Intelligence Act

The Artificial Intelligence Act is the first law of its kind in the world, designed to comprehensively regulate the development and application of AI....

Technological Transformation and AI: Insights from the EY CEO Outlook Pulse Survey

The technological transformation spurred by the Covid-19 pandemic has stimulated innovation within companies, helping them to avoid financial losses. The next phase of digital...

Artificial intelligence is increasingly making bold strides into music production. Both artists and listeners are calling for clear labeling of tracks generated by such...

Analysts predict a tenfold increase in revenue for the artificial intelligence music creation market over the next 10 years. The subject is becoming increasingly...

Telecom operators spend billions on infrastructure. Formalities continue to be investment barrier

Telecommunications operators' spending on infrastructure development is increasing every year, and according to estimates by the analytical firm PMR, it reached nearly 12 billion...

Europe is failing to catch up with the USA and China in the development of artificial intelligence

The United States leads the world in artificial intelligence (AI) development, heavily investing in the creation and implementation of new solutions. Following closely are...

The EU AI Act: A Game Changer for Responsible AI Development

On March 13, the European Parliament adopted the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act). The new regulations allow the creation of a legal environment that,...

New AI Act needs implementation plan – Polish presidency could lead

On Wednesday, March 13, the European Parliament approved the AI Act, the first regulation of its kind encompassing a broad area of artificial intelligence....

AI Act – European Parliament Adopts Historic Regulation on Artificial Intelligence

Today, the European Parliament adopted the regulation regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI Act). This is the world's first comprehensive regulation for artificial intelligence. The new...

Impact of the Digital Services Act on e-commerce

The European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA) officially came into action at the end of February. The new regulations significantly impact e-stores, web platforms,...

EU Unveils AI Act: Regulating Emerging Technologies While Others Watch Cautiously

The AI Act, or EU act on artificial intelligence, is set to change Europe's digital landscape by categorizing AI tools according to their risk...

Every third company in Poland recorded at least one cybersecurity incident in 2023

In 2023, 66% of companies in Poland recorded at least one security breach, and 34% noticed an increase in the intensity of attempted cyber-attacks....

AI leads to higher energy consumption and new infrastructure needs

The development of artificial intelligence and its ever-increasing use are driving the generation and processing of data. Artificial intelligence solutions allow for the optimization...
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