Poll: 52.6% of Poles Support Restoring Sunday Trade, with Growing Backing from Younger, Less Educated Citizens

COMMERCEPoll: 52.6% of Poles Support Restoring Sunday Trade, with Growing Backing from Younger, Less Educated Citizens

According to the latest poll, 52.6% of Poles want to restore trade on all Sundays. 38.9% of compatriots have a differing opinion, and 8.5% can’t determine their stance on this matter. In addition, there appears to be growing support for this proposition. Initially, in February, 46% of respondents wanted brick and mortar shops to remain open every day of the week. At that time, the opponents totaled 44%, with undecided respondents at 10%. In eight months, the demographic of supporters has also changed. Previously, the majority were people aged 30-40 with higher or secondary education from the biggest Polish cities. Currently, younger, less educated Poles from smaller towns dominate.

As shown by the latest study conducted by UCE RESEARCH and the Offerista Group, 52.6% of adult Poles advocate for restoring trade on all Sundays, as was the case before March 1, 2018. 38.9% of compatriots are against this, and 8.5% are unable to determine their stance.

The matter of the ban on Sunday trading has been a public issue for over 6 years, and it still stirs up discussion among Poles. More than half of the adult population wants a change. Just before the parliamentary elections, the current governing coalition announced that it would abolish these restrictions, which heated up the debate around this topic, but so far no definitive decision has been reached.

In February, Poles were also asked (using the same methodology) whether they wanted to restore the trade on all Sundays. At that time, the number of supporters was lower than recently, with 46% of “yes” votes. The opposition was at 44%, whereas the undecided amounted to 10%. The experts believe that the rise in support may be due to promises made by the ruling coalition. Under the previous government, it was known that the situation would not change, and if anything, it could take a turn for the worse.

The expert believes that the hopes raised among Poles are unlikely to fade quickly – at least not in this year. This stalemate will not end until the government definitively states that there is no chance of completely lifting the ban. Small shifts on either side are expected, but not visible ones.

The co-authors of the study conducted by UCE RESEARCH emphasize that they asked Poles about restoring trade on all Sundays, not just one or two per month. They believe that the average citizen is indeed expecting a return of the situation prior to March 1, 2018, and not the reintroduction of single trading Sundays. Opinions on this matter certainly differ among retail workers, such as cashiers, which is to be expected.

More often, men than women are in favor of restoring trade on all Sundays. Mainly people aged 25-34, with a monthly net income of 7000-8999 PLN, and with primary or lower secondary education. The main supporters are residents of cities with a population ranging from 100,000 to 199,000.

Conversely, women are more often against the restoration of trade on all Sundays than men. Primarily, these are individuals aged 65-74 who do not disclose their net monthly income and hold secondary education credentials. The main opponents are residents of rural areas and towns with up to 5000 people.

Senior citizens typically have more time for shopping during the week than employed compatriots who work from morning till evening, especially in medium and big cities. Additionally, residents of rural areas and small towns are not particularly interested in shopping on Sundays as they typically dedicate this day for religious ceremonies.

Research Method Description: The survey was conducted between September 27-30, 2024 using the CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) method by UCE RESEARCH and the Offerista Group, with a sample of 1021 adult Poles aged 18-80.

Source: https://ceo.com.pl/rosnie-poparcie-dla-zniesienia-zakazu-handlu-w-niedziele-wyraznie-tez-zmienia-sie-struktura-zwolennikow-28363

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