LOTOS Kolej changes its name to ORLEN Kolej

COMPANIESLOTOS Kolej changes its name to ORLEN Kolej

On July 3, 2023, LOTOS Kolej acquired the assets of ORLEN KolTrans, opening a new chapter in the railway sector. This move strengthened the market position of the ORLEN Group in the cargo transport industry, securing the conglomerate’s logistics needs and enabling a broader, competitive offer for external customers in terms of new logistics solutions, greater flexibility, and a comprehensive service offering.

The integration of ORLEN Group’s railway assets allowed for the effective use of their potential and resources. The company name change to ORLEN Kolej is linked to the obtaining of a Unified Safety Certificate. Possession of this certificate, according to the Railway Transport Act, is a prerequisite for an entrepreneur to use railway infrastructure.

Currently, the company employs nearly 1,700 workers and possesses over 180 locomotives and 8.3 thousand wagons, of which more than 8 thousand are tank cars. Part of the rolling stock is owned by the company, while the remaining units are operated on the basis of lease and leasing agreements. This year, 10 modern locomotives with a shunting engine will be added to the rolling stock of ORLEN Kolej, facilitating logistics in sidings and ensuring independence from the traction network.

ORLEN Kolej provides comprehensive logistics services in the field of rail transport, including domestic and international transport of goods, service and repair of rolling stock, wagon rental, siding service, and forwarding both for the needs of the conglomerate and other domestic and foreign entities.

Source: https://managerplus.pl/lotos-kolej-zmienia-nazwe-na-orlen-kolej-95790

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